Sunday, January 1, 2017


Do no harm, take no shit. According to Facebook, I posted that resolution for 2015. Whether that year or the next, I added: Make good art. [Edit: I did add make good art that year.]

Kazehana addditionally suggested: Give no fucks. That's definitely an unofficial part of the goal theme.

Obviously New Year's Day is a perfectly arbitrary milestone. Each day is no different from the rest, and waiting for the next milestone to change and grow is counterproductive. But here we are, a new day, new week, new month and new year, so it is a good a day as any to start.


  1. 3/365. ;)

    "do no harm. take no shit. make good art. give no fucks." has a nice ring to it.

    i love new years. it feels like the beginning of a new book. honestly, maybe that's because i'm the only person in the world whom has had a milestone in the beginning of the year. last year, it was that i stopped binging and everything looked up from the 8th. it is a day like any other, but why wouldn't you want to make it feel special regardless? at least that's how i feel. i.e. every day should feel special. <3

    i love you so much. i loved you last year and i love you this year. and i will love you next year.

    -Sam Lupin

  2. Give no fucks. I should adopt that as my mantra. We all should; the sisterhood of neither taking nor giving shit.

    2017 will be amazing.
