Blogger is being stupid and won't let me resize photos for some reason, so I apologize for the giant ass that's about to attack your screen (this post is slightly NSFW)

I'm doing that craft fair Halloween weekend and I have almost nothing made. And the current forecast HIGH for the day is 55* F (13* C)... It's outdoors, mostly after sunset. I may die of hypothermia. But I'll be there with a friend so we can die of hypothermia together in an arty way.

I'm still dating the couple I started talking to in July and it's really nice. They live in a smaller college town nearby, but it's still a 45 minute drive, which suits my introverted nature entirely too well. We talk a lot but we haven't had a proper date but a handful of times. It keeps things from getting too overwhelming. I'm happy with where we're at.

I used our date to the Rocky Horror Picture Show (my first) as an excuse to buy my first corset, and leave the house in that and fishnets and... not much else. I enjoy the corset very much. I feel amazing in it, and it has so much adjustability that it won't be wasted when my weight fluctuates back down.
I'm on track with my bachelor's program. My physical therapist said I don't need her anymore, and I have an appointment with my doc on the 24th to see about getting lifting restrictions (which I've already blown out of the water - the PT suggested I look into proper weight training because I love it so much) eliminated.
Things are busy-good. I'm good-tired. I'm always tired, but I suppose that will never change.
Things are good, that' good. Love the corset!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad things are good! <3
ReplyDeletei cannot cannot get over how wicked talented you are... and these ones you just made might be one of my favourite ones! :)
ReplyDelete13 C as the high??? i'd die.
"But I'll be there with a friend so we can die of hypothermia together in an arty way." and she might provide you with some much needed body warmth!!
i totally get what you mean. when my old car got written off because of the accident (before i got it replaced), i had to carpool with people all the time and they spent so much time in cafes and stuff! i also didn't realise how much people eat until i am with them. i had to slowly adapt to it. the first 3 days, i was dying for some kind of break from people!
i've never even tried on a corset. i don't like the look of them, but i'm sure you'd rock it just like everything else you put on. ;)
wow! getting lifting restrictions eliminated??? that is amazing!
i'm so glad that good-tired is the best kind of tired. at least there's that satisfying feeling at the end of the day.
i missed you so SO much. i hope 2018 is kind to both of us. :)
i feel strange when people say 2017 was a learning year for them, but it sure was for me. i'm hoping to put what i learned into practice. ;)
comment reply:
"I just read an article that said chocolate may go extinct within 40 years if we don't figure out how to adapt it to climate change." this is unfathomable.
"I have also failed a wee bit, my Evidence-Based Practice class, though by virtue of not completing the massive research paper due by end of term on Dec 31 I'll just have to add it to my work this semester" that's my gal. i still had to re-study for the paediatrics exam. i have two finals, one at the end of the 6 weeks i am in a rotation and like 11 exams at the span of 2 weeks at the end of the year with no break in sight. if i didn't fail the paediatrics, it would've been 10, but really, it's not that much of a difference since i do the paediatric exams one after the other and the doc said he'd find time to tutor me for it in a rotation that i find easier to handle.
fortunately, this January rotation is my last hard rotation (i am in OBGYN).
- Sam Lupin
i love you so much :))
ReplyDelete- Sam Lupin